Sunday, June 4, 2017

यस्ता खतरनाक बिमारी हरु को लागि अचुक औसधी हो भिंडी


भिन्डीले ठुलो आन्द्राको क्यान्सरको सम्भावना कम हुने बिभिन्न अध्ययनहरुले देखाएको छ । भिन्डीमा कम क्यालोरी हुने र फाइबर बढी हुने भएकाले तौल घटाउन मद्धत गर्छ । भिन्डीले मुटु रोग लाग्नबाट जोगाउछ ।

यसमा पाइने तत्वले खराब कोलेस्टेरोल घटाउछ । मधुमेह हुने सम्भावना कम गर्छ । पाचन शक्ति मजबुत बनाउछ । कब्जियतबाट बचाउछ । रोग प्रतिरोध क्षमता बढाउछ । रक्तअल्पता हुनबाट जोगाउछ । आँखाको दृष्टि बढाउछ । गर्भावस्थामा भ्रुणको विकाशमा सहयोग गर्छ ।
(he health benefits of okra include supply of essential vitamins and minerals, supply of antioxidants, laxative properties due to the presence of dietary fiber, cure for diarrhea and dysentery and increase of blood count.

Okra or Lady’s Finger is a popular vegetable in tropical countries. Believed to be of African origin, okra is now grown mostly in tropical, sub-tropical and warm places in the world. The name okra is used mostly in the United States due to the fact that in the Caribbean countries it is called okro. But outside the US, in English speaking countries, it is known by the name lady’s fingers. The edible part of the plant is the green seed pods.)

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